JobActive feedback

This survey is to provide data to support our submission to the Parliament enquiry into the effectiveness of JobActive for our Aspergers community. It will not include your name unless you provide it for use to support it. The information you provide will add strength to our submission. Thank you for your support. 

Details of the  enquiry are at:

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* 1. Have you used JobActive services? 

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* 2. If you could not access the service what were reasons for this?

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* 3. Do you now have employment? 

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* 4. If you are unemployed what do you believe are the reasons for this?

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* 5. If employed how did you gain this employment?

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* 6. Were you consulted in the design and implementation of your JObActive support?

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* 7. If you used JobActive did this service meet your needs for employment support?

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* 8. If you used JobActive to what extent did JobActive consult with you and understand your needs?

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* 9. If you were supported by Jobactive how long did your employment last?

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* 10. Please rate how well you completed any activities undertaken within the JobActive Annual Activity requirements

could not complete any completed for the whole period
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 11. What activities did you complete to meet this requirement?

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* 12. Which if any activities helped you gain employment ?

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* 13. Did you find the process of negotiation with JObActive fair?

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* 14. What would make this process more fair?

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* 15. Did you know about the JobActive appeals process?

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* 16. What would you suggest would be best way to support you to get a job?

Thank you for your support.

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* 17. Do you have Aspergers/autism?