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Aspergers Victoria has advocated for our community needs for many years with strong results. Our community need is often hidden from view by governments and relevant organisations. At AV we work to draw attention to the very specific needs of our Aspergers Autistics and other similar neurodiverse profiles in our community. 

Current advocacy:

Submission to the Inquiry into School Refusal (2023)
The increasing numbers of school refusal cases has led to an Inquiry into whether COVID is the main cause or what else is contributing to this.
AV's submission to the enquiry

Submission to the Department for Education & Training with VCAA (2021)
Victoria's senior secondary curriculum is being reformed. Under the changes, there would be an integrated VCE with a vocational specialist scheme (in place of VCAL) and a new Foundation Pathways Certificate for students who are not ready to complete VCE. We are working with partners and the Victorian Government to ensure the changes are not to the detriment of our community.

AV's submission.

Submission to the National Disability Employment Strategy (2021)
Our submission and list of recommendations are here

Submission to the Inquiry into Disability Supports in TAFE Victoria (2020)
Our submission and list of recommendations are here

Submission to the Review of Disability Standards for Education 2005 Victoria (2020)
Our submission and list of recommendations are here

Submission into Inclusive Education and COVID supports Victoria (2020)
Our submission and list of recommendations are here

National Select Committee on Autism (2020)
Our submission and extensive recommendations are here

Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability (the Royal Commission): Employment (2020)
Details are here and we are preparing our survey to gather your feedback to present to this Commission. 

Department of Education and Training (Vic)
We presented community feedback about our needs due to the impact
s of COVID-19 including the impact on our VCE students. Our news item covers this feedback for this. 

Past submissions include: 

  • Victoria Inquiry into Jobseekers 2019
  • Victorian Inquiry into Autism Services 2017

ABN 47 066 180 983

Mailing address: 552 Victoria St, North Melbourne VIC 3051

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