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AV's job coaching 

What is coaching?

Our World of Work Job Coaching service empowers you to facilitate change in aspects of your life and work. It is not advice and it is not counselling or therapy.

This AV service may support you with life and career experiences such as:

  • Understanding which career may suit you and your strengths and challenges
  • Finding suitable employment options, implementing resume improvements, or honing your interview skills
  • Determining the priorities for your career
  • Analysing and understanding team or social issues you may be facing at work
  • Supporting you to build understanding about your needs at work with your manager or team
  • and more...

We offer Aspergers autistic specific job coaching. Our coaches are trained professionals with expertise in working with neurodivergent autistic people and our preference is to work within a coaching methodology. Counselling tends to be a remedial approach which is problem focused. We find a coaching approach is more suitable for neurodivergent people because it is not a medicalised therapy based support and does not involve ‘treatment’, and instead focuses on empowering the individual, with self-insight, change transition support, and executive function support.

When and where?

Our coaching can be face to face (in Melbourne area) or online via Zoom. Online coaching is our preferred delivery method. Coaching is available in blocks of three sessions. Each session is approximately 45 minutes long. A coaching engagement commences with a complimentary discovery call to ensure a good fit with the proposed Job Coach.

How can I apply?

To apply or to find further details, visit our online Job Coaching Program Participant Application.

If you decide to apply, please complete the form and you will receive an automatic registration confirmation email when your application has been successfully submitted.

If you are interested in becoming an AV coach, please email our Employment Programs Manager.

ABN 47 066 180 983

Mailing address: 552 Victoria St, North Melbourne VIC 3051

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