By joining Aspergers Victoria as a member, you will be playing a vital role in the invaluable ongoing work AV does to provide opportunities for people with Aspergers, autistic people, and the wider neurodivergent community to connect, share stories and information, find meaningful employment opportunities, and most importantly, feel part of a community who just “gets” you.
As a valued AV professional member, you will have access to a wide range of member benefits, including discounts and guest tickets, access to member discounts for peer support and access to register for member-only interest groups, as well as having the opportunity to contribute to the development of AV into the future.
By joining AV as a Personal Member,
I will have access to:
Activities and events that are fun, social, inclusive, and which support my needs
A community of my peers: I can connect with similar people who really get me
Role models, peer mentors, and coaches, all with lived experience who all understand autism and me as an individual
Expert knowledge and resources to support and empower me
A forum which allows me to contribute to improving outcomes in autistic inclusion and understanding in employment, education, and daily life
Lived experience knowledge of Aspergers autistic specific issues and opportunities from insights delivered with a positive and empowering approach
A personalised approach; members are treated as individuals
An organisation which listens to me and amplifies my voice through their advocacy platform.
As an AV Personal Member, I:
Belong to a community across my whole life which provides an inclusive network of understanding people at all my life stages: AV listens to me helps me feel included - “they get me”
Am part of collective empowered voice to advocate for and create systemic change that improves my life and that of my community and family
Feel included and am respected for who I am
Am surrounded by people who understand me and peers who get me
Receive trustworthy support for my needs
Am listened to: I can share my views on the services AV offers and help to codesign activities, resources, and programs.
Feel empowered, heard, and understood
Am supported in building my life skills and ways to manage challenges in a way that recognises and honours my individual strengths.
If you have questions about our memberships or need assistance with your application:
Browse our Community Guide: Membership for step by step resources in clear language
Contact our Memberships Coordinator