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While Aspergers Victoria Inc (AV) takes reasonable steps to ensure that the information on this website is correct, it provides NO warranty or guarantee that the information is accurate, complete or up to date.

Whilst the Information may be considered to be true and correct at the date of publication, changes in circumstances after the time of publication may impact on the accuracy of the Information. The Information may change without notice and AV is not in any way liable for the accuracy of any information printed and stored or in any way interpreted and used by a user. The site is not intended to be, and should not be relied upon as, the ultimate and complete source of information on any particular topic. Any user must make their own research and checking about any information. Information provided about anything such as an event or activity or advertisement or  social media is not to be considered an endorsement by AV. 

The Information is made available on the understanding that AV and its employees and agents shall have no liability (including liability by reason of negligence) to the users for any loss, damage, cost or expense incurred or arising by reason of any person using or relying on the information and whether caused by reason of any error, negligent act, omission or misrepresentation in the Information or otherwise.

AV reserves the right to change the information on this site and without notice at any time at its absolute discretion.

Linked sites

Links to other internet sites are not under the control of AV and are provided for information only.  Care has been taken in providing these links as suitable reference resources.  However, due to the changing nature of the Internet content, it is the responsibility of the users to make their own investigations, decisions, enquiries about the information retrieved from other Internet Sites.

Providing these links does not imply any endorsement, non-endorsement, support or commercial gain by AV.  Similarly, you should not interpret the absence of a link to any particular third-party site as a criticism or comment by AV on the provider or content of that site.

AV takes no responsibility for the accuracy, currency, reliability and correctness of any information included in the Information provided by third parties nor for the accuracy, currency, reliability and correctness of links or references to information sources (including Internet Sites) outside of AV.  AV also cannot accept responsibility or liability for any loss, damage, cost or expense you might incur as a result of the use of or reliance upon the materials which appear at the linked sites.

If you believe any information on this site is inaccurate, out of date or misleading, please bring it to our attention by emailing

ABN 47 066 180 983

Mailing address: 552 Victoria St, North Melbourne VIC 3051

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