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Our ILC funded teen work placement program provides a staged approach to support teens with their introduction to the world of work through work experience. Our program is co-designed by our lived experience co-design team with team members from across the autistic community all with autistic lived experience and employment expertise. We created this program when our research revealed our autistic teens were missing out on the wonderful insight and essential skills work experience can provide them so they are work ready when they leave school. This is not a therapy-based program but one that highlights teen strengths, capabilities and ways to manage their challenges for the world of work and also for school.

The Program's work placements are during the second week of the April school holidays. Please note AV is committed to Child Safety and wellbeing in all we do.

Expression of Interest for Round 2 of 2024 are now open.

Please click on the following link if you would like to know more/apply for the Teen Work Know-How Program: Expression of Interest 2024

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Community Guide: How to join the AV mailing list


If you already receive emails from AV, you can update your Areas of Interest in your AV profile to include this program.

Community Guide: How to update the Areas of Interest in your AV profile

If you represent a school or potential host employer and you would like more information on how you can be involved in the Teens Work Know-How Program, please email our Employment Programs Manager:

ABN 47 066 180 983

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