“The Mechanics of Emotion, Clarity, Congruence and Communication in Everyday Life”
Commencing: Sunday 16 September, 2018, 3pm - 6pm
Aspergers Victoria and the team at Perdekamp Emotional Regulation (PEM) are offering a special eight week workshop for our members. This innovative emotion management workshop follows on from our very successful pilot workshop conducted in April this year.
What is P.E.M.?
PEM is an innovative methodology which provides direct, effortless and guideable access to authentic emotions on a purely physical basis, without recourse to personal experiences or emotional memory. It's an organic and fast approach which grants security, flexibiliity and reliability, and works with an unheard-of simplicity and effectiveness in creating emotional understanding and expression. Professor Tony Attwood has wholeheartedly endorsed PEM workshops and commented that this course “is essential for those with an autism spectrum condition who have great difficulty perceiving and regulating and expressing emotions”.
About You: You must be:
Arrival: From 2.45 pm onwards, ready for 3pm start.
Costs: FREE (funded via a grant)
Content: To be advised.
Getting There: To be advised
Public Transport: Blackburn Station is a 5 minute walk away. Belgrave or Lilydale line trains service this station and various bus routes as well.
ABN 47 066 180 983
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