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Is Your Future Feeling Out of Reach?

5 Apr 2018 8:34 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

You’ve done the Morrisby Test, as well as maybe a Myers Briggs but your work options feel limiting? 

You may be aware that the current career system will become defunct. Yes the Foundation for Young Australians (FYA) has put an eye glass to our future through extensive research about what the Future of Work will look like in coming years. The changes are starting already.

It is a very different world our neurodiverse kids will be moving into and our older population will also need to be ready. Already there is already a gap in the skillset our neurodiverse community will need.  

Instead of ticking boxes this world of work will be about discovering strengths. Not linear careers but a portfolio of enterprise skills and capabilities.

Instead of University study and a career for life you may be micro skilling as your life evolves through a “cluster” of roles. 

Most importantly future careers will need you to know your “WHY” (see Simon Sinek) with a self awareness previous generations would envy, just to navigate the new workforce. 

Neurodiversity be ready - that future you spy may be within your fingertips if you are ready. Critical thinking, creativity and innovative mindsets will be needed. You are our economy's "out of the box" thinkers.

Aspergers Victoria is getting ready to try and support you to thrive in this future. We are working to find approaches to shift our readiness. However all of us need to move to embrace and be ready to adapt to this new work mindset - parents, employers, educators - you.

We can all work towards this transition - we welcome your support whether by donation, introduction to employers, supporting our communications, or JOIN our team to make this happen. 

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Mailing address: 552 Victoria St, North Melbourne VIC 3051

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